A well designed website appears to be quite popular among the online programming community as it demonstrates basic knowledge of using angle brackets, braces, and other enclosing punctuation.

However, I have neither the time nor the inclination (and also certainly lack the skill) to design one so this website will just pose as a testing ground for my wacky web-design ideas.


A project is "an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim."[1] In this case, a project is "a thing I do for fun".

Active Projects

A simple grade scaling utility.

Scrappy Projects

Scrappy projects are ones which sprout from a personal need. Usually built for a very specific purpose, they are often crafted in one afternoon, used, then left here to be forgotten. These are not archived because I still use and/or may revisited them.

A patched Nerd Font version of Comic Mono.

A round-up of all you need to start the Planet Wars challenge originally run by the University of Waterloo in 2010.

Calculated rating data of professional League of Legends teams.

A client-side programming judge made for use as a teaching tool.

Archived Projects

Archived projects are ones which I do not plan to work on anymore. Whether due to feasibility issues, a botched codebase, or simply lack of interest, I have decided that other things are more worth my time.

A Connect 4 bot written in Python and optimized with Cython.

lichess-bot [FORK]
A bridge between Lichess API and chess engines.

A Connect 4 bot built to teach myself C++ and improve my grasp on bit operations.

A Reversi bot built using modern(-ish) neural network algorithms.

A post-competition submission for Planet Wars (Google AI Challenge 2010/Fall).

A Reversi bot built utilizing an elementary neural network algorithm.

About Me

Someone who finds enjoyment in telling computers what to do. However, in trying to do so, I often end up having the computer tell me what to do. 🤔

A human is defined as "a human being, especially a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien."[2] Wait a second, the definition of "human" is recursive?

Wandering aimfully.

Somewhat after the Unix epoch.


[1] Oxford University Press. "Project: Definition of Project by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of Project." Lexico.com. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/project (accessed Oct. 5, 2020).

[2] Oxford University Press. "Human: Definition of Human by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of Human." Lexico.com. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/human (accessed Oct. 8, 2020).