file: tools/
import math
import random
# minimum and maximum total number of planets in map
minPlanets = 15
maxPlanets = 30
# maximum number of planets specifically generated to be equidistant from both
# players, by chance planet generated in the standard symmetric way could still
# end up equidistant as well
# also does not include the planet exactly in the center of the map
maxCentral = 5
# minimum and maximum number of ships on neutral planets
minShips = 1
maxShips = 100
# minimum and maximum growth for planets
# except for the center planet which is always 0 minimum growth
minGrowth = 1
maxGrowth = 5
# minimum distance between planets
minDistance = 2
# minimum distance between the players starting planets
minStartingDistance = 4
# maximum radius from center of map a planet can be
maxRadius = 15
# minimum difference between true distance and rounded distance between planets
# this is to try and avoid rounding errors causing different distances to be
# calculated on different platforms and languages
epsilon = 0.002
def make_planet(x, y, owner, num_ships, growth_rate):
return {"x": x, "y": y, "owner": owner, "num_ships": num_ships,
"growth_rate": growth_rate}
def print_planet(p):
out = ["P", p["x"], p["y"], p["owner"], p["num_ships"], p["growth_rate"]]
return " ".join(str(i) for i in out)
def translate_planets(planets):
for p in planets:
p["x"] += maxRadius
p["y"] += maxRadius
def generate_coordinates(p, r, theta):
if theta < 0:
theta += 360
if theta >= 360:
theta -= 360
p["x"] = r * math.cos(math.radians(theta))
p["y"] = r * math.sin(math.radians(theta))
def rand_num(minimum, maximum):
return (random.random() * (maximum - minimum)) + minimum
def rand_radius(min_r, max_r):
val = min_r - 1
while val < min_r:
val = math.sqrt(random.random()) * max_r
return val
def distance(p1, p2):
return math.ceil(actual_distance(p1, p2))
def actual_distance(p1, p2):
dx = p1["x"] - p2["x"]
dy = p1["y"] - p2["y"]
return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
def not_valid(p1, p2, planets):
a_distance = actual_distance(p1, p2)
if distance(p1, p2) < minDistance or abs(a_distance - round(a_distance)) < epsilon:
return True
for p in planets:
a_distance1 = actual_distance(p, p1)
a_distance2 = actual_distance(p, p2)
if (distance(p, p1) < minDistance
or distance(p, p2) < minDistance
or abs(a_distance1 - round(a_distance1)) < epsilon
or abs(a_distance2 - round(a_distance2)) < epsilon):
return True
return False
def not_valids(p1, planets):
for p in planets:
a_distance = actual_distance(p, p1)
if distance(p, p1) < minDistance or abs(a_distance - round(a_distance)) < epsilon:
return True
return False
def generate_map():
# works out information about the map
planets_to_generate = random.randint(minPlanets, maxPlanets)
if random.randint(0, 1):
symmetry_type = 1 # radial symmetry
# can only generate an odd number of planets in this symmetry
while planets_to_generate % 2 == 0:
if planets_to_generate == maxPlanets:
planets_to_generate = minPlanets
planets_to_generate += 1
symmetry_type = -1 # linear symmetry
planets = [make_planet(0, 0, 0, random.randint(minShips, maxShips),
random.randint(0, maxGrowth))]
# adds the centre planet
planets_to_generate -= 1
# picks out the home planets
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
theta1 = rand_num(0, 360)
if symmetry_type == 1 and theta1 < 180:
theta2 = theta1 + 180
elif symmetry_type == 1:
theta2 = theta1 - 180
theta2 = rand_num(0, 360)
p1 = make_planet(0, 0, 1, 100, 5)
p2 = make_planet(0, 0, 2, 100, 5)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta1)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta2)
while not_valid(p1, p2, planets) or distance(p1, p2) < minStartingDistance:
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
theta1 = rand_num(0, 360)
if symmetry_type == 1 and theta1 < 180:
theta2 = theta1 + 180
elif symmetry_type == 1:
theta2 = theta1 - 180
theta2 = rand_num(0, 360)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta1)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta2)
planets_to_generate -= 2
# makes the center neutral planets
if symmetry_type == 1:
no_center_neutrals = 2 * random.randint(0, maxCentral // 2)
theta_a = (theta1 + theta2) / 2
theta_b = theta_a + 180
for i in range(no_center_neutrals // 2):
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
num_ships = random.randint(minShips, maxShips)
growth_rate = random.randint(minGrowth, maxGrowth)
p1 = make_planet(0, 0, 0, num_ships, growth_rate)
p2 = make_planet(0, 0, 0, num_ships, growth_rate)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta_a)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta_b)
while not_valid(p1, p2, planets):
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta_a)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta_b)
planets_to_generate -= 2
# must have an even number of planets left to generate after this
min_central = planets_to_generate % 2
no_center_neutrals = random.randrange(min_central, maxCentral + 1, 2)
theta = (theta1 + theta2) / 2
if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
theta += 180
for i in range(no_center_neutrals):
r = rand_radius(0, maxRadius)
num_ships = random.randint(minShips, maxShips)
growth_rate = random.randint(minGrowth, maxGrowth)
p = make_planet(0, 0, 0, num_ships, growth_rate)
generate_coordinates(p, r, theta)
while not_valids(p, planets):
r = rand_radius(0, maxRadius)
generate_coordinates(p, r, theta)
planets_to_generate -= 1
# picks out the rest of the neutral planets
assert planets_to_generate % 2 == 0, "Error: odd number of planets left to add"
for i in range(planets_to_generate // 2):
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
theta = rand_num(0, 360)
if i == 0:
planet_max = min(100, 5 * distance(planets[1], planets[2]) - 1)
num_ships = random.randint(minShips, planet_max)
num_ships = random.randint(minShips, maxShips)
growth_rate = random.randint(minGrowth, maxGrowth)
p1 = make_planet(0, 0, 0, num_ships, growth_rate)
p2 = make_planet(0, 0, 0, num_ships, growth_rate)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta1 + theta)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta2 + symmetry_type * theta)
while not_valid(p1, p2, planets):
r = rand_radius(minDistance, maxRadius)
theta = rand_num(0, 360)
generate_coordinates(p1, r, theta1 + theta)
generate_coordinates(p2, r, theta2 + symmetry_type * theta)
return "\n".join(map(print_planet, planets))
def save_map(f="generated.txt"):
file_object = open(f, "w+")
if __name__ == "__main__":